Sun Valley Water & Wastewater Project
Final Design
The final design will consist of a wastewater system that includes lower capacity, simply designed composting toilets within each of the smaller dome houses that circle the central dome house. The central dome house will contain a manufactured, but still inexpensive, composting toilet that has a slightly larger design capacity. The graywater reuse system will divert the sources of the water from the bathroom sink, shower, and clothes washing machine to allow this water to be use for irrigational purposes. The water supply will be imported from Holbrook and consist of a large water storage tank near the central dome house that will provide potable water for the sinks, showers, and clothes washing machine. A simple rainwater harvesting system will be incorporated on all of the dome houses and include rain barrels that will capture water that can be used for irrigation. Figure 2 provides a close up view of all of the components that will be incorporated on the site for the final design. The following sections provide additional details on all of the systems.
Figure 2: Site plan of Sun Valley Ranch water & wastewater systems
Rainwater Harvesting
Composting Toilets
Graywater Reuse
Piping Distribution & Pump Sizing
Cost Analysis